

Ok, I recently started my 150 with a 60g refugium underneath. I have caulerpa (Sawblade I think) in it, but I keep reading every say it is bad. What's wrong with it and what are my other alternatives? If there is going to be a problem, hopefully I can avoid it by removing it if necessary. :notsure:


Active Member
Cheato is a safer alternative. If the Caulerpa goes sexual or dies it can release toxic spores into the tank. If parts of the Caulerpa start turning white remove those pieces from the tank.


Active Member
deffinatly switch to cheato , if you dont keep your fuge lights on 24/7 then the cheato will go sexual at night and can crash your tank


Active Member
Caulerpa is the marine equivalent of crabgrass. You have to keep it in check or it will take over. It roots in the substrate and also in the LR. Takes up time you could better spend elsewhere.
Yes, I have some.


What exactly do you guys mean when you say it goes "sexual"? Is that why it grows fast? and if the lights are on all the time will that prevent it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
deffinatly switch to cheato , if you dont keep your fuge lights on 24/7 then the cheato will go sexual at night and can crash your tank
I know caulerpa goes sexual, but never heard that cheato will....Where did you find that info from?? :happyfish


New Member
Get that stuff out now because it will completely take over your tank. It will grow into onto and over your corals, rocks, anything that doesn't move. It is outlawed in a lot of states. I had to break down a tank because of it. Nasty stuff. Looks nice starting out though. It doesn't go sexual, doesn't need to.