
How does caulerpa spread?
I know its easy -- but does it spread through the roots in the sand or from above?
If you put a barier in the sand, sticking up from the sand about an inch or two - completly separating the sand beds
Would it only grow there?
or would it spread from the top?


My spreads just by growing like a long vine. It will get cut or tore by something, then you will have 2 or more pieces.
It would spread from the top, I am not aware of any varieties that spread from the root system.


What Kelly said. I pull out 10-15lbs out of my sump every month. It grows like a weed. :cool:


Originally posted by Deuce_Bigalo:
<strong>How does caulerpa spread?
When conditions are right..... You can have a epidemic on your hands... If you try to divide the Sand bed, if it chooses to it will grow sideways, over the 1" or 2" barrier... I have even seen it grow instead of from the bottom stalk, from a leaf it will actually regenerate and continue to grow.
<img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />

nm reef

Active Member
deuce.....some just spreads like a vine(calupera racemosa)...calupera mexicana(fern type stuff) has runners that root in the sand plus vines...caulerpa prolifera(blades) also have runners in the sand and vine structure........all types in my refugium grow rapidly....just took 3 bags full to my favorite LFS for purchase credit($25) the way paged me the other day....I replied but its a few pages away from here.......