Not only that, if you leave it in the ocean too much it will kill everything!!! Not to sure of the veracity of that statement, but it's the new thing going around. There's an article stating that one current species of caulerpa never actually lived in the ocean, and was only an aquarium plant, which became almost impossible to kill because of being subjected to, and eventually developing defenses against, the volatile conditions which are our tanks, and which was then introduced into the ocean, and is now taking over. Apparently C. taxifolia has developed internal toxins to prevent anything from eating or messing with it, and the only way to prevent it from choking out the entire oceanic ecosystem is to dump chlorine in the ocean, which will accomplish the caulerpa's objective anyway. There, after straying wildly off-course, I would suggest removing your Tang, and introducing a Kole Tang, which I have often-times seen with caulerpa in tanks, and has never, to my knowledge, bothered it to the slightest.
PS The reason for the oddity of this post is that it's my 1111th post, so it's just got to be confusing, you know what I mean?