cauliflower coral


Active Member
i just got a cauliflower coral from the lfs and im not really sure how to care for it. right now i have it in the sand bed just getting used to the light because my lights are more powerful then the lfs.
do i need to feed it? is it sps because i was told it is soft but online i read that it is a sps. this is my second coral and im new at keeping coral so idk what to do, where to keep it in my tank, what to feed it, the amount of flow etc...any advice or tips would be great, thanks..
also what are other names for this coral because when i look it up, i find all different types of coral and i want information on just this coral..



Active Member
its been inthe tank for an hour now and it looks like it is wilting or something. it isnt standing up as strait as it was, it looks droopy kinda now...


how's it looking now that it's been in there for a couple days? it's not a super demanding coral so i'm guessing it's ok now.


New Member
We have a similar coral in our reef tank. I have heard it is called a Leather Tree Coral but I'm not placing any bets.
Here's the link.
It is a filter feeder. It will pull nutrients from water and lighting. I don't spot feed it like I do my bubble corals. Ours likes moderate flow and seems to flourish in those conditions.
FYI, in our earlier posts (Mushroom Death I and II) we think this coral is the culprit in stinging our Green Rhodactis mushroom. We aren't sure but it has been suggested we keep it down flow and isolated from our more sensitive corals.
Additionally, you will find you may have to move your corals around when newly introduced to a system until you find the ideal place there the flow and lighting is just right. It usually takes us about three days or so before we find the right spot for a new addition.


Active Member
i didnt check this thread because i didnt thnk anyone was going to reply. so thanks for the replies. the next day it was looking great standing up really tall. it was good for a couple days then today it looked smaller again and not standing so strait up...maybe it is getting too much flow? i dont think it is though.....any ideas? maybe tomorrow it will be strait up again and tall.


New Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
it was looking great standing up really tall. it was good for a couple days then today it looked smaller again and not standing so strait up...maybe it is getting too much flow? .
I'd give it a few days to adjust before moving it again. Ours gets light to moderate flow which seems to keep it happy. I moved it probably in three different locations before finding a spot it liked. It took about 10 days. A couple of days here, then there. You get the picture. But even now there are times when it will just not 'bloom' for lack of a better word, then the next day it's pretending to be a Sequoia Giant.
You'll just have to experiment.
Now, I don't know if it's a stinger but considering our plight you may want to keep that in mind if around sensitive corals and the like. Also ours moved. It took about a month or so but it decided it wanted to be on the rock next door and very slowly migrated. I had no idea it could do that. Imagine my surprise.


New Member
Just curious. Our Green Rhodactis Mushroom is doing much better. My LW and I had posted about it (Mushroom Death Part I and II) possibly being stung by our Leather Tree coral. I believe it is the same as your. At least form the photos it looks the same. We had the Green 'shroom in our sick tank for a week before it started to perk up. Even being reintroduced to the main tank (away from the Tree!) it's still not 100% I will have to move it around till I find it's 'Happy Place'.