caulpera questions


if I place a colony of caulpera in the main tank, would fish/invertebrates eat them all up?


That really just depends. Sometimes, your veggie eaters will mow it down overnight, and sometimes they wont touch it. What kind of herbivores do you have? And really hungry tangs?


you didn't even ask what inverts he had! geez!
Vince, sometimes you can never be sure until you try. I have emeralds, scarlets and large hermit crabs. I have watched every type of crab nibble on the caulerpa I have in mine....I'm in the process now of adding a 30gallon below tank refugium because of that! I'm tired of tossing them off it all the time. FlyDan's crabs might not eat it, but your's might, so have a backup plan! HTH. :cool:


I have a lightly stocked 80gal. reef, with two hermits atm, and I bought $10 or two bunches worth from the lfs, and it's down to two small pathetic looking clumps about 3 inches it all depends on the fish as well. I think my damsels have eaten more than the angel! hehe, just have to try it and see.


Active Member
I've got 20 small blue leg hermits, 20 medium scarlet hermits, 3 emerald crabs, one cleaner shrimp and 2 brittle stars in my clean-up crew and I have to go into my aquarium with scissors about every 2 weeks to trim my caulerpa. If somebody has a clean-up critter that goes through their caulerpa faster than it grows I'd love to hear their story! FISH on the other hand are another story.
Sorry if I was abrupt, but I don't see anything in a clean-up crew that will mow through caulerpa.
Take care,
Dan'l :D