Caylee found ?


Active Member
And they should...anyone that could be so cruel and methodical about the process of killing a child and then try to act like nothing is wrong is just sick. Claiming insanity or Postpartum depression is a little late... she thought it through. Postpartum depression, even on the extreme, can only last up to a year and is usually detected by a physician. Anyone who would wrap their child in a trashbag and use duct tape in such a manner was definitely planning. Too much evidence to suggest that it was premeditated. Just have to wait for the DNA results to prove that she is the mother and take this to the next level in court. My prayers go out to the little girl.


Active Member
Lo0ck her ass in a cell WELD THE FOOD AND DOORS SHUT and SHUT OFF THE WATER TO THAT CELL ONLY. This BITCH needs to die hard lethal injection is way to easy of a way out so is OLD SPARKY. Starve her and dehydrate her ass to death. Killing your own child is BEYOND reprehensible. Either that or stip her

and throw her into the Gp of a mans prison for a weekend with no gaurds around. If she survived that then KILLHER.