CB Angel with life threatening Lympho


Active Member
Beth, or any others with advice please help!
i had a break out of ick in the DT, so i caught the fish and have them in 2 seperate QT tanks.
my 29g Tall , cycled QT tank contained at first my CBBF, CB Angel, Exquisite Wrasse and 2 blue neon gobies. the tank went under Hypo just as ick was starting to cover the angel. i was away on vacation and an accident with the lid left open, led to the loss of the wrasse and 1 goby. the tank has been in Hypo for 2 .5 weeks now, no signs of ick for 2.5 weeks on any of the fish. the CBBF looks great and very hungry. same with the neon goby. the CB Angel broke out in what i can only assume is Lympho, but not the type i have encountered before that spots on the fins, but the type that builds up flesh mounds, and in this case, made her mouth enlarged and white and fleshy. i have not seen her eat in a week now. she is very hungry and swims right up to the food, but then cant eat it and gives up. it is sad to watch.
it continues to get worse and all i have done is keep an eye on the parameters and perform water changes to keep the water clean.
the trates are around 5- 10 ppm which should be barely affecting the angel, everything else is spot on. I am thinking she is having trouble getting better because of the hypo. this friday is the end of hypo, but i dont know if she will even make it that long. does anyone have ideas on what i can do to better her situation? I have heard vitamin - C supplementation can help them fight it.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I hear that an ich-affected fish has developed lymphocystis-like symptoms, I always think of secondary bacterial infection masquerading as lympho. I would proceed on that assumption by treating with something like Maracyn II. If it is lymphocystis, there is no specific treatment other than good husbandry, and the antibiotic won't hurt. If it is a secondary infection then the antibiotic will help. Good luck!


Your lfs should sell maracyn 2 for saltwater. There are two different kinds, one for fresh and one for salt. Most stores that carry salt meds carry Maracyn. If they do not, then you can buy it online.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
do you recommend this marcyn stuff as well sep?
A picture would be helpful, but from what you describe I would concur with geridoc that this is a possible secondary bacterial infection. Add some vitachem, selcon, and reef plus to his food. There is nothing to lose by boosting his immune system.


Active Member
LFS has Maracyn 1 for SW is that the same thing? i will get something like because it is a table for the water and not a food additive. i already have selcon but she doesnt eat


Active Member
no, maracyn 2 is also for saltwater (just look at the boxes, there is one for salt and one for freshwater). it treats totally different diseases/problems from maracyn 1.


Active Member
ok dropped in two of the tablets for the first dose last night.
says 1 tablet / 20 gals. 2x dosage for first day. i have a 29g and i dont want to break the tabs so i did 2 tabs for day 1 and then i am gonna do 1 tab for the next 4 days. crossing fingers...


Active Member
sad day . i flushed the CB angel this morning. the two days of dosing maracyn II either was not enough to make a difference or was not ever going to make a difference. she was my oldest fish at 2.5 years.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
sad day . i flushed the CB angel this morning. the two days of dosing maracyn II either was not enough to make a difference or was not ever going to make a difference. she was my oldest fish at 2.5 years.
Ah, I am so sorry to hear that you lost her. I encourage you to please let us know before things become life threatening next time. Bacterial infections are easily cured when they are caught in time. Again, I am very sorry for your loss.


Active Member
yea for the first week i was so sure it was lympho, which i have dealt with before. i keep getting nailed for making assumptions lately ... thanks for your help!