cb shrimp and trigger


Active Member
Well my new niger trigger has been with us for three days and is doing well, the attacks from the yellow tang have pretty much stopped,but the trigger is very interested in my cb shrimp he keeps swimming up to him backwards like he wants him to clean him or somthing, i know the trigger could eat him if he wanted to, the shrimp however seems to be very defensive, any thoughts?


Active Member
start to worry when the trigger goes in face 1rst. otherwise its just a case of the trigger wanting to be cleaned and the shrimp not wanting to. while CB shrimp function as cleaners sometimes in the wild I dont think it ever happens in captivity.


U never know though, I would worry 'bout the trigger when it goes head first but I agree with stanlalee


Active Member
I would say with some degree of confidence that the shrimp will be eaten by the trigger. I think it is inevitable.


ehh out of all the triggers i think the niger is his best chance with a CB
My CB had a ton of babies last night


I bought a mated pair and this is my first time attempting this they are alone in my 29 gallon refuge. There is very little information about the topic so from what i have under stood they are bred very similarly to clownfish so i am using a rotifer culture to attempt to get them through larve stage. but i believe they reproduce every 3 to 4 weeks
but if anyone knows of any good information i would be more than thankful


Active Member
Well it has been about 1 week and the shrimp and trigger seem to be doing ok , i have lost one hermit crab,oh well but the trigger has made his home under the same rock as the shrimp, he seems to like being around the shrimp alot, its absolutly facinating to watch the two together, the shrimp is also way more active now that the trigger is in the tank


Thats funny that the trigger likes the shrimp. Sorry to tell a story in the middle of the post but I used to have a Oscar that used to tear feeder goldfish apart and could gobble down like 10 in one setting. I don't know if he got lonely or what but once he keep three of them around and would not eat them. Those three lived in the same tank for like a year and a half. He never ate them. They actually out lived him and got thrown into my garden pond.


I have the exact same thing going on in my tank. My CB and my Niger just hang out all dayin the same cave. Every once in awhile the CB tries to reach out at him and he swims away and just comes back.