cbs catching



what is the best way to catch a coral banded shrimp in a 75 gal with 80 lbs of live rock? he has become way to aggressive, i think he killed 2 neon gobies and now he has started eating my toadstool. he waits til i am watching and boldly walks up to the toadstool and takes a pinch (between the cheek and gums)!


Try putting a large net in the tank with food(silversides work well) in it and the handle out of the water, keep an eye on it and once he hops in the net yank him out. I've seen this method work well a few times. happy hunting.


New Member
I created a trap using a water bottle. cut off the top, placed in backwards back into the bottom. Placed food inside the bottle and tied fish liine to the bottle. Took very little time for my shrimp to go into the bottle, couldn't get out.
Perfect, good luck