

New Member
Hi there guys
What do you think the chances are of my Coral Banded Shrimp attacking my fish? And eating them? The CBS is still rather small...i'd say about 1.5 " body size?
Thanks alot


Active Member
id hate to use stolen pictures i show my friends to try to get them into aquariums but the picture explains itself and if its your picture i took it from*forgot who* i hope you dont get mad


Active Member
Ok, I AM biased---big claws, nasty attitude, dead clarkii (at least 3")

its up to you, but for me--never again!


Active Member
Did you see the cbs take the clarkii alive? Not discrediting you, but if you didn't see it happen, you can't really know how it died. Bo


I have a CBS and three false percs, a yellow tang, and a coral beauty and the CBS is relatviely large and doesn't bother anything else in the tank. He just walks around eating stuff from the ground and playing, and he has not interest i hurting other fish. He does attempt to protect himself if fish get near, but doesn't try to eat them.


Active Member
Did you see the cbs take the clarkii alive? Not discrediting you, but if you didn't see it happen, you can't really know how it died. Bo
yes, you are right. NO I didnt actually see it take the fish, but I saw the start of the aggressiveness, it actually picked on a scratch (that I have no ideas if it came from the CBS or a piece of rock), but it (cbs) never left the clarkii alone, reguardless. At first I thought wow, its "cleaning" the fish, but IMO only, I believe it was the reason for the death. I may of had the CBS from h**l, or the dumbest clown? All fish or inverts have their own personality.......your tank your choice. Like I said I am biased and never again..........


New Member
I had a CBS take out my Sally and my Serpent Star. I know because he acted very aggressive and was always trying to catch my fish. I took him to my LFS and now I only put shrimp without claws into my tank.


My CBS was small when I first got him, and after molting 4 times, he attacked and killed my serpent star and started picking on my other fish.
I took him back to LFS for credit.


Had a CBS, after about 2 months he started going after fish. Could watch him at night try and sneek attach our fish. During the day he was always jumping at them trying to catch them. He also wiped out 6 peppermint shrimp. Needless to say he went back to the LFS.


New Member
that fish was probably on his way out and the
cbs just finished him,i have a cbs and his never
hurt nuthing.he tryes to get my fish but hes too
slow i never heard of cbs beeing agressive.
will they eat other shrimp, snails, or crabs in the tank at all?because i want to get one only if they dont eat like a scarlet cleaner or peppermnit shrimp


my cbs has not been a problem so far. He well come and take squid out of my hand and run back in the rocks. Pretty cool!


yeah my CBS will take food from my hand too. He jumps at the other fish when they are near him but even if he pinches one it dont look like he is trying to kill them. Only fish i had that he killed was the ones i wanted him to kill. I bought to very small domino fish and he took them out within a week. My CBS is about 2 inches long including his whiskers im sure he is about 6 inches. I love mine.


Active Member
that fish was probably on his way out and the
Nope, was a strong fish, and by no way, shape or form was he on his way out. It was a tiny scratch, IMO I think the CBS liked pulling blood from my fish! No matter where my fish moved to the CBS was following. If no CBS, it would of healed on its own (well with my added help). Like I said, I may of had the CBS from h**l, or the dumbest clown?