

New Member
I bought a coral banded shrimp today from the lfs. He seemed fine until I put him in the tank (I floated him for 30 min w/just the lfs water and then added a little of my water and floated him for another 30 min). When I first released him he floated down to the bottom and fell over on his back. I thought he was already dead but got the net and flipped him over. He seems to be trying to move around - but seems as if his legs are not very stable. A friend told me that he might have just molted before I bought him and might still be soft.
Any ideas????


New Member
oh yeah and btw my water parameters are good 0 amonia, o nitrites, ph 8.5, water temp 78 F, 29 g tank with one blue damsel, one small perc clown, 3 crabs, 5 snails and 2 camel shrimp.

the claw

Active Member
Did he make it through the night? It sounds to me that he was a little shocked, probably from a difference in salinity and or ph. Next time, you may want to extend your acclimation procedure to several more additions of your water over time, to give a slower acclimation. I find that shrimp, and especially Linkia Stars, are the hardest to acclimate, and should take the longest time.


New Member
He didn't make it through the night, his body parts are all over the tank, arms, legs, whiskers, the whole thing not like he molted. I can't find his body though. The only thing that I have that would eat him are bristleworms. Could they have ate him that fast?


New Member
I thought they only shed thier "skin" when molting - not thier actual claws? Is that true? I guess he could be in the rock hiding until he grows his stuff back. How long does that take?


No when they molt it looks the same, I thougt mine had died when he molted. IF he did molt you will seem him in a fw days. They are very vulnerable durning this process.
Keep us posted:)