CC or LS



ok...origanally i wanted dsb...but after going to the lfs today he said that sand in a pain to clean, that it gets caught up in the siphon...maybe i didn't specfy live sand wouldn't want to vacuum that would you? He also said it gets dirty looking pretty fast...i just need some imput on what to get...i like the sand look but if its going to be harder..i don't know...thanks


He's wrong wrong wrong in my opinion. The benefits of a deep sand bed are numerous, and you won't have to clean it at all if you get a proper clean up crew. In our 54 reef we have a 4" deep sand bed, and it sparkles white everywhere. We have about 30 snails, two conchs, an orange linkia star, scarlet hermits, porcelain crabs, two horseshoe crabs, and a sailfin blenny that do the trick.


Active Member
I find that the LFS are a lot of times wrong (except the one that I work at ;) ) First of all you don't clean LS the inverts do, cc you have to syphon it, a real pain IMO. And yes the LS will get dirty looking if you don't have a good cleanup crew. And IMO even when the sand gets brown it still looks better than the cc.


ok thanks...i think i am going to go with i said..i don't know if i speified that or not so...he seems to be pretty knowledgeable when i compare what he said to what i have read on the board...thanks again


Active Member
If you havent added anything yet, YES DSB of LS is better. No need to clean, vacumm, etc. but as stated you need a good clean up crew. Opinions will vary, but LS is alot nicer, more natural looking. Thats just my opinion HTH


yes it did....all answers helped...i now know for sure that i am going to go the dsb route...oh...and tomorrow i will update my sig...i'll no longer be doing the 20 as i have decided to take it back in favor of a 55...thanks