cc problem


I have a 55gal. with and 60lbs. of lr. I would like to make this into a reef tank. I have 2percs.,royal gramma,yellow tang, 2 yellow tail damsels(unfortunately I cycled with them) 3 giant turbos, 15 small turbos, 2 emeralds, and a orange spotted goby. The tank has been up and running for 8 mo. now and everything is ferfect, except for a Choc.
Chip star. From reading, everything is reef safe except the choc. chip star. My wife will not let me get rid of him.
The question is; are there any reef animals that I can put in the tank without the cc killing them off?


Active Member
Well, can you tell your wife you will trade him for another star fish? Their are others that are reef safe.


Active Member
jsut trick her into letting you get a very pretty reef safe Harlequin shrimp.. she will like it so much that she may not even notice it eating the choco chip star lol.. and you can feed it a new cc star when it finishes the other... i feel its a good comprimise.. you get a cool reef safe shrimp that eats the mean star that will kill your corals.. and she gets to keep her cc star and get a new one ever few weeks.. lol sorry couldnt resist :hilarious


Thanks for the info. I don't think that any of your advice will cut it with my wife. Does anyone know the ave. life span of a choc. chip. , or maybe I shouldn't be thinking that way. I guess I'll just have to wait him out.


Active Member
just remember as you wait it out.. he may damage/eat or kill alot of what you want(corals n stuff) i personally like cc stars. but wont get one cause i got a reef tank........ im going to get my gf one for her FOWLR tank soon though


Active Member
we have had our CC for 3 years.....and counting. Good for me, bad for you. :D He will pry open a claim, suck down mushrooms etc. Very carnivorous. Keep him fed, a small peice of shrimp once or twice a week. Or just see if you can trade him at your LFS for some corals. Unless you wife really likes him (I love ours, he is fun to watch and very busy in the tank)


"Chip" has been very well taken care of. He has doubled his size since we got him. I won't put anything in the tank that he will eat. I'll just continue with what I have and make my 29 gal. a small reef tank.
When I got "chip" the lfs said he would be ok in a reef with some of the inhabitants , just keep a watch on him. I was so new to the hobby that I just listen to the lfs people. Since then I do a lot of reading and make better informed decisions on my tanks.


Active Member
Our "chip" (thats his name too)
tore some of our reef apart. We were new and the jerk at the LFS told us he was OK. He ate the mushrooms, clam and a couple other things. When we ask the LFS what was problem, he still wouldn't blame it on the star. Even though he was on top of it prying it open. :eek: This was all obviously before we found


After reading a search inquiry about Choc. Chip Starfish I finally convinced my wife that it wasn't a good idea to keep him. She finally agreed to send "Chip" back to the lfs. So Chip is now floating in a bag in the lfs. waiting to be adopted by another sucker ( I mean newbie). Now I can start my reef tank.