i want to buy some cleaner shrimp cause they are supposed to help keep your fish healthy but i'm worried about my cc star. will he eat them or could they harm him?
Well, don't count on the shrimp to keep the fish healthy by any means. They may or may not even clean them.
While unlikely that the CC star will mess with them, anything is possible I suppose. They are predatory stars so you never know. Just more of a threat, IMO, to snails, corals, clams, etc.
yeah, my cleaner shrimp doesnt clean the fish at all, he'll clean rockwork, snails, hermits and corals but no fish. i dont think the star would be able to catch the shrimp unless the shrimp were sick and just laid there for the star to eat it.
cc star will probably eat corals though and maybe slow inverts.
I think it depends on the cleaner shrimp and/or the fish you end up with. My cleaner has set up cleaning station for the fish and sometimes you can see the tangs following him around until he gets the point and cleans them. :cheer: I have noticed him cleaning everything else in the tank though so he(she?) will at least help with that even if he doesn't/wont/isn't welcomed/ to clean your fish.
I agree with the other posts on the cc start. He probably wouldn't be able to catch the shrimp unless it was sick or let him. But definently watch the cc star with your coral. They aren't very nice to reefs.
Originally Posted by SharlagneW
i want to buy some cleaner shrimp cause they are supposed to help keep your fish healthy but i'm worried about my cc star. will he eat them or could they harm him?
I highly doubt a CC Star is fast enough to catch and make a meal out of a cleaner shrimp.
Originally Posted by ophiura
Just more of a threat, IMO, to snails, corals, clams, etc.
That's true, Occasionally I see my CC Star trying to swallow a snail whole.
So far, he hasn't hurt anything but it's only cause I pry him off of the snail before it's to late.
I think the trick to getting a cleaner shrimp to .. do his job.. is you gotta a) have a wild cleaner shrimp that hasnt been tricked into enjoying sweet sweet human food.. and b) a wild fish that is used to being cleaned by these shrimp!
hmm...I just got my first cleaner shrimp tonight and as soon as I let him go in the tank my Tang and Pygmy angel were over there wanting to be cleaned....and the guy told me he was CB...
every shimp i've had has made it's best effort to avoid my ccstar. i feed mornings before work and the ccstar is usually in about the same place, whereabouts my shrimp are active during the daylight hours and keep away scrounging.
i'd listen to oph and research your lfs'.