I have a CC star and a Lionfish. How do I go about feeding my CC star Krill, shrimp etc. without the Lionfish attacking me or the food? Should I feed him first, the feed the star? Any ideas would be great.
I understand your dilemma. I just added a new lionfish to my tank that has a CC star and a scorpionfish. I haven't had to feed anything yet and of course they all like the same things. CC star usually comes to the water line when it's hungry but the scorpion hides in cave.
I'm thinking if you feed the lionfish first, you can slip some to the CC star. Maybe? :notsure:
Please let me know how it turns out and I'll let you know what plan I implement.
Good Luck!
ooh, I see your problem. How about a long pair of tongs like they sell at those specialty kitchen stores. Plastic, and long enough to keep your arms and hands out of the water? maybe even two, one to manipulate the star if you have to and one for the food. ?????? Just an idea. Good luck, will be anxious to hear how it turns out for you....I love lion fish...and cc's, but I can't keep the cc's alive for some reason??????? GL!!!!!
Some of you may disagree with this practice.
I have never fed my CC star. It roams the tank and cleans up algae and detritous. I have had the CC for a little over a year now and have never once gone to the trouble to feed it.