CC subsrtate


New Member
I'm not new at this but have been out of service for about 8 yrs. Why doesn't anyone like CC substrate? Why do most posts deter against UG filters? Is it because they are reef aquarists? Or has the hobby changed so much in the past twenty yrs that we have come up with more efficient means of fish keeping? I for one have had very good luck with both of the forementioned items. I do not believe that the substrate should be as deep as most LFS say it should be (3-4") but, I have not had any problems in a fish only tank. Maybe I'm just being stubborn and not keeping up with the times. Please fill me in on the problems of using these ancient tried and true methods. But as I stated I have not had many problems with these products. And have kept fish alive and well for yrs.


Active Member
Mostly it's the reef thing. Fish only UGF aren't so bad, but YES, there have been huge improvements in the last 20 years. :D


New Member
Thank You, I thought that I might have been lost for longer than I had noticed. I have just set up my 55 again after a long hiatus. I do know that there have been major advancements in filtration, and lighting. I just wasn't sure how much that it affected what I was doing. My tank has cycled through and the clean up crew has been introduced. It's now time for some fish.


did you use cc or sand? I came into this totally unaware of any good info, only had the info the lfs gave me. I have cc, and am planning to get rid of it a little at a time, as I added sand but of course it went to the bottom....I would just rather have the sand due to the cleaning issues. I think that sw as a whole is basically hit or miss much of the time. Some things work for some people and some don't. It's a lot in how you approach and maintain. I really haven't had any problems with the cc, it's just the cleaning part I'd rather not have to deal with. You've done this before and done it well, so rely on your experience and this site and you have a sure thing going!!!! Soon you will be giving us advice!!!!!!


New Member
The amount of subsrate that I have is only about an 1 1/2". I started with about 4" because the LFS told me that's what I needed. But I too had a lot of problems when it came to keeping the water clean. It took me a couple yrs to figure that out and a lot of fish $$. I also have a good bit of filtration I think, maybe not so much since I've been reading some posts. I have 3 802 PH w/ UG filter, Magnum 350 and no major problems once I figured out some things.


New Member
I'm sorry, I didn't answer your question :D I am using CC I have never tried sand. My experience is that once you have an established tank with enough filtration. You won't have as much cleaning to do. I was doing 25% water changes monthly.


Active Member
CC is bad it can catch debri and cause high readings. Under gravel filters just aid this and help pull the stuff down farther.
Sand Bed "wont" allow debri to get stuck it will just float on top of it. When you have a deep sand bed of 4 inches or more you get a certain kind of bacteria that will change nitrates into gas. In crushed coral you can get this but most likely wont live cause you have to vacumme it.


New Member
I am in a fish only situation. They will be probably predatory since lionfish are my favorites. Probably won't have any inverts in there. Maybe an eel possibly a grouper.


Active Member
CC is better than sand. I may be the only one who may have gone as far with it as I have, but I'll write a complete post about it tomorrow. You just have to know what you are doing with it and what it can and can't do.


Active Member
If it is a fish only it would work but sand looks more natural. You can buy just base sand it would be the same just no bacteria in it.


Active Member
That is YOUR tank on drugs. You obviously don't know anything about how to use CC properly. Mine is spotless and has been for years.
That's also not a fair comparison. You have your setup different in the sand picture. You have your rocks positioned better and they are back away from the glass which gives a better viewing area.
In the CC picture, you obviously did not have much experience in positioning the rocks and so everything looks crowded and uneventful.


Active Member
Sly you better watch it that isnt my tank that is blemmy's tank.
And it dont matter what the rock looks like it matter what the crushed coral did to the tank.


New Member
Obviously we all have our own opinions, but I think were missing the point here. My tanks have never looked like the pics posted. But as I said you can get good results with CC substrate. Maybe not with a reef environment, but with fish only and only a small amount of substrate it can be done efficiently. The reason is simple with larger more predatory fish like I will be keeping the detritus buildup is a lot quicker cause they eat more they poo bigger. Therefore you will still have to vacuum the bottom. With only an inch or so substrate it is much more efficient to have an uderground filter with a lot of power to suck the waste thropugh the substrate. It is true that if you go with a thick substrate of CC you will have dirty water. There is no way around it. If you have sand and no UG filtration Your water will get very dirty quick and you will have to vacuum more often. In my opinion. But it does seem to me that we are all talking about different situations. Reef VS Fish Only


Active Member
If you want do to crushed coral for fish only tank that would work and if you "have" to have an UGF I would get one with the reverse unit and help blow stuff off the sand. As for sand and UGF that is a big "NONO" the UGF will suck the sand up and as for vacumming sand that is a big "NONO" also the Vac will also suck the sand up the sand is so small nothing gets down in it to get trapped so there is no need for either of thoughs. Anything that is on the top will get eatin by the cleanup crew.
Also for fish only sand would still look more natural than crushed coral and you can get Base sand for the same price as crushed coral "that dont have anything in it either".
I agree that in a Fish only senario The CC substrate with regular husbandry will work fine.
With large or potentially large messy fish, regular cleaning and maintenance is the best way to go. A deep substrate does little to help with this (just my opinion)
esthetics (CC VS Sand) are a decision best left to the owner IMO.