

el guapo told me that i should ask about angel fish because he wasnt sure of the answer but anyways my girl friend has a 220 tank and she wants to kno if she can house a french angel and a queen angel or a emperor angels or any combo of the three together ive read that it shouldnt happen but at the lfs the guy had a queen n a french together n said it was im going to trust ur judgement on what u say please help thank you...sorry to call you out like that but i figured it would get ur attention

el guapo

Active Member
I looked and I don't have his Email anymore . I will see if I can track it down for you though .


I have seen queen and emperor angels in the same tank before and your tank is big enough in my opinion. I think it'll work.


They'll do better if you introduce both at the same time and close to same size.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have seen plenty queen emp combos. I would get them in the beginning change over stage 4 inches and lots of rock work.


Originally Posted by oceanboy13
el guapo told me that i should ask about angel fish because he wasnt sure of the answer but anyways my girl friend has a 220 tank and she wants to kno if she can house a french angel and a queen angel or a emperor angels or any combo of the three together ive read that it shouldnt happen but at the lfs the guy had a queen n a french together n said it was im going to trust ur judgement on what u say please help thank you...sorry to call you out like that but i figured it would get ur attention
Wow that's some huge tank, what are the dimesnions of it?


Originally Posted by locoyo386
Wow that's some huge tank, what are the dimesnions of it?
lol thanks its around 6 feet long i believe 2ft weed n 2 n a half feet tall (she's a rich kid lol) n thanks to all that answered but what about the frenchy...


Active Member
Hey there Ocean Boy
This thread caught my eye :) The answer to your question is "maybe". All large angels have nice little temperments of their own and some like others and some HATE others.
If you want to add two or 3 of them together you need to have a proper QT tank set up. This will allow each of the fish to properly be introduced to captivity and allowed to become fat and eat a variety of food. The main reason many fish die in captivity is that they are caught in the ocean, sent to the wholesaler, then to the retailer, then to the DT within 1-2 weeks...they never have a chance to relax and adapt.
Add in a couple of large aggressive angels and you have a recipe for disaster.
I would say go for it. Get the emperor, queen, and french as small as you can. That will give you the best chance.
I had my emperor, blueface, and a french angel for a while when my 180 was a reef. I removed the french because she was the first to start nipping at corals...but they all did so I wish I had kept her.
Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The main reason many fish die in captivity is that they are caught in the ocean, sent to the wholesaler, then to the retailer, then to the DT within 1-2 weeks...they never have a chance to relax and adapt.
You forgot to add, depending on the collector, the fish sit in a variety of contraptions the collector has setup till they have enough fish it's worth it to go into town and the market/wholesaler. The 'holding tanks' often run the gambit from really decrepit rubber bins, to broken glass tanks, to even oil drums in some cases. The time can vary from a couple hours, to a couple days.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Hey there Ocean Boy
This thread caught my eye :) The answer to your question is "maybe". All large angels have nice little temperments of their own and some like others and some HATE others.
If you want to add two or 3 of them together you need to have a proper QT tank set up. This will allow each of the fish to properly be introduced to captivity and allowed to become fat and eat a variety of food. The main reason many fish die in captivity is that they are caught in the ocean, sent to the wholesaler, then to the retailer, then to the DT within 1-2 weeks...they never have a chance to relax and adapt.
Add in a couple of large aggressive angels and you have a recipe for disaster.
I would say go for it. Get the emperor, queen, and french as small as you can. That will give you the best chance.
I had my emperor, blueface, and a french angel for a while when my 180 was a reef. I removed the french because she was the first to start nipping at corals...but they all did so I wish I had kept her.
Good luck
thank you ccampbell and aquaknight i guess me n her shall go for it and i appologize for calling u out i kno that was wrong and all but i wanted to kno before she went out lost alot of money =D


Active Member
When it comes to large Angels, I think the answer, like ccampbell's reply to this thread, is always "maybe". Large angels have such a wide range of personalities; that, IMO & IME, there is never a sure answer.


its always a maybe with large they have wide ranges of personality' want to be sure you add them together and it is better if they are near the same size.


Active Member
I disagree with adding them at the same size. I have always found that different sizes do much better than similar sized angels. My emperor was 3.5" when I added my 5" blueface. I knee that the more aggressive angel neede to be smaller. For example, if I were to add a passer angel, he would be around 2-3".