Chadman's tank


Active Member
You can afford a 100 dollar rock....ohh yeah so about the real estate
(You really didn't spend 100 on a piece of LR did you????)Did it come with any live coral, fish.... gold?????? How much did it weigh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i actually added up all my receipts today...its like 75lbs
That is way dense rock if it really weights that much!!!!! I guess I did say the more the better though
..... maybe a bit looks good


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
yeah its huge though ucan't c most of it its tucked behind a few...u think theres too much?
you do have 2lb + per gallon.... but if you like it then it is good, and you will have alot of benificial bacteria!! IT dose take up precious tank space, but it does look good!!


Active Member
sorry guys my computer was acting up...i am right outside or reading, u think the tank looks crowded?


Active Member
I think that you should only have about 50lbs live rock max, cause then you are encrocing on your fish space!! But if you think you have the room.... then leave it....pix are hard to tell in weather or not you have adaquate space!


Active Member
damn I hate when people are slow... I get impatient too..... I have re-arranged my tank like 50 times!!! But do you have a new pic of your new master piece? I am sorry I needed to wash my A! Sorry


Active Member
haha...naw i actually lent my buddy the camera he needed it for may be different tommorow again...i can never make up my mind


Active Member
It sucks, but you stress out your fish every time you put your hands in there......well at least when you rearrange their house!!!! You know you would stress out if some one you didnt know well came over and rearranged you house cause THEY didn't like it.... so go back to drawing pictures of stick fish...(I know its no mona lisa!!!!
) And when you figure out what would work for you .....then attack!!!!!!


LOL that would be terrible if someone came into my home and started moving things! We should be more considerate!!! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
LOL that would be terrible if someone came into my home and started moving things! We should be more considerate!!! LOL

That was kinda insighful wasn't :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i guess u r right...they just need to realize i am trying to make there home better
if you can talk in their language..... then go for it...... but till that happens I think you might just stress them....