Chaeto in HOT skimmer???


Active Member
Is it ok to put Chaeto in my CPR Bak Pak on the side where the blue floss stuff is? Will it still serve it's purpose there rather than placing it in the main tank?
OR what about in my bio wheel filter? I have lots of space in there
***) :help:


Active Member
Cool Hey let me ask you a quick question. The past couple of days when I feed, I get all sorts of bubbles in my tank and they last for a while. Is that what people mean when they say their skimmer goes crazy? Is this even caused by the skimmer? Everything was fine before I fed.


Active Member
Well I was trying to get my blenny to eat so I made a new mixture
that has my home made of:
marine cusine
mahi mahi
shrimp pellets
I took that and added
formula 2 pellets
pieces of seaweed selects
Garlic Xtreme
more mysis and marine cuisine
I squirt it in the tank


Active Member
how many fish are u feeding? how much do you feed at one time? i dont know if that is the cause of the bubbles though but might be something that you are feeding in ur mixture. are they little tiny bubbles? and when it happens is ur tank low on water at all and ur pump is sucking air? if you have a sump?


Active Member
No I don't have a sump. My tank isn't low on water. I really don't know how much I feed I just squirt until I think they have had enough. I have to squirt it right at my blenny because he won't venture out to eat. So I am probably over feeding. Yes they are little tiny bubbles. They almost look like all those little white pods have decided to swim at that exact time.


Active Member
if u do feed just one fish then u might be over feeding. Also i dont think it would casue bubbles thought. It only does it when u feed though or all the time?


Active Member
I am feeding 2 clowns and 1 blenny and a peppermint shrimp and my cleaning crew. Yes it only happens when I feed. I don't understand what it is. I looks like little tiny tiny bubbles.


Active Member
well one thing to remb you dont need to put extra food in ur tank for the clean up crew. let them work for the meal. thats weird somewhere it sounds like u are sucking air. my tanks does that if the sump is a lil low on water.


Active Member
It is very weird. All my stuff is under the water level real good. The only place where I get any air in is where the skimmer drops back into the main tank and it puts the large bubbles in. These are just tons and tons of mini bubbles. I will see if I can get a picture.
Here are the pics.



Active Member
Originally Posted by reeferDC
actually... my tank bubbles like crazy to... I belive it is the skimmer over reacting.....

Does it bubble all the time or just after feedings?


Active Member
Ok I got my chaeto and put it in my skimmer. Can anyone suggest a good clip on light? My tank is by a window and it does get daylight (not direct light) will this be good enough? If not I need a light suggestion PLEASE.