

Active Member
how fast does it grow,how long will it take to reduce my nitrates, will it take over my tank, if it does take over is it hard to get rid of? thats all i have for now any other info appreciated thanx everyone :happyfish


Active Member
I had similar questions when I first added cheato.. I noticed a reduction in my nitrates and a rapid decline in other algae within a week. Now the stuff doubles in size about once every 2 weeks. Since it basically just grows in a big tumble weed like ball I just pull it out when it gets to much, rip half of it out and throw it away.. Some people sell the extra, or feed it to their fish which is something to consider if you have any tangs, they might eat the chaeto if you keep it in your display. I personally grow mine in my HOB wet/dry filter, I just took all the filter stuff out and put a light over it and it grows well.


Active Member
what type of light and my hob filter isn't very big and you mentioned that it reduced your nitrates, how long did that take nitrates are takin off
and no place here locally sells the stuff is there a safe product to use, 100 mile drive each way to lubbock i think i could find chaeto there


Active Member
Well my nitrates were never what I would consider high, usually aroun 10-20 ppm, but within a week I tested and I was getting 0 ppm nitrates after adding the chaeto. I use a small 13 watt pc light, the kind you can find at a regular store used to replace like a regular 60 watt household bulb... nothing fancy. My HOB filter isn't to big either, I am actually using one side of my millenium 3000 filter. I usually keep a small handful of chaeto in it and when it doubles I take it out and pull it into two parts, put one part back in and throw the other away. I know alot of people sell chaeto by the sandwich bag on those auction sites.. or you could ask around on here to see if anyone in your area would mind giving you a handful of the stuff..


Active Member
yeah problem is only one person on boards is even close to me and no credit card just got over cancer and my credit took a big hit
and don't remember who that person is i think if i check my post and replies i might be able to find the person here in town thanx tobin


New Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
yeah problem is only one person on boards is even close to me and no credit card just got over cancer and my credit took a big hit
and don't remember who that person is i think if i check my post and replies i might be able to find the person here in town thanx tobin

i am about to clean my sump this weekend and prune mine back. i would be glad to mail you some.mine has grown to the size of a basketball.