Chaeto? slow grower?


I made a refuigium about 2 weeks ago and put about a baseball size clump of chaeto in there to combat nutrient and algae. 2 weeks later it appears to not have grown and has not helped with the algae. I am thinking that when it is a few square feet in surface area it will have the ability to absorb more nutrients. How long is it going to take to grow? The refugium is about 5 gallons with a 25w compact flo security light. It seems pretty bright.


My cheatoisn't growing fast but my levels have come down. Someone gotta have an answer for us. How long do you have your light on for? Maybe try and put it on for 24x7


My fuge has at least 600gph flowing through a 5 gallon container. I would say that is really good flow.


Okay I have and still do keep chaeto in my sumps. It can double in size in a month of heavy feeding of tank and no water changes. With water changes every 2 weeks and moderate feedings I normally don't harvest but every 3 to 4 months. Your water level nutrients will control it's growth. I actually don't like alot of flow around mine. Water comes in via 1 1/4" ID to either sump,
ovver flows and spills down drip bars, thru blue bonded filter pads, into algae chambers, passes thru baffle into filtration and return pump area of sump.
I use sidelighting to get light as filter pads cover directly over it. It's been running like this since 9/2005 (18 mos).