Chaeto vrs coulerpa


Looking up info on different macros, and I wanted everyone's opinion on this one. Which works better on reducing nitrAtes, coulerpa, or chaetomorpha? Also, I heard that coulerpa reproduces sexually, breaks down, and releases nitrates back into the water... or at least the guy selling chaeto claimed. :thinking: I have plans to hook up a 20 fuge to my 75, and I want to know what would be the best macro to cultivate.


chaetomorpha doesnt need to attatch itself to a rock and therefore i feel its the best option!
it just floats around and grows in the water without attatching to anything. i love my chaeto!


Active Member
If you are going to make a choice of one over the other, go with cheato. Caulerpa does purge or go sexual and it is tough to get out of a DT if it gets in and gets a foothold. IME


go with the chaeto . it doesn't attach and will create a ball - usually will stay in one place and is great for critters to roam around in. most of all it won't go " sexual " on you , even though you can take the chance and keep it trimmed back to prevent it.
i made the mistake of not trimming in back - only for it to go " sexual " in my cpr hang on aqua fuge - man what a mess to try and clean up also , not to mention the almost disaster to my water levels in the 120 it was supporting.
never again ...............
i've since gone with the cheato and have the same results as with the grape caulerpa - only no more worries .


Thanks guys! I have somebody giving me a small amount of coulerpa already, but I'm going to toss it after I get something else in there. I just need something to take down the nitrates. After I set it up (used 75, came with fish), and kept only about 35% of the water, the nitrates still read at 100! There isn't a huge bio load on it or anything... this guy just never A) did water changes, and B) used LR, LS, or L-anything. I compltely removed the 4 1/2" CC, put in about 1" of LS, and am buying as much LR whenever I can. After about a month, I've seen it drop to about 70, so I'm happy with the progress. Nowhere near the 40 I'd like to see it reach, but it's a start.


Active Member
At those levels, you need good quality water changes to have the greatest impact. That alone will get you down in the 40's or much lower.


Yeah, I've been doing 15% a week, but part time at ***** and car payments mean not enough salt for my tank :mad: oh yeah, *****'s a ripoff for salt btw. lol


Originally Posted by fishguy84
Thanks guys! I have somebody giving me a small amount of coulerpa already, but I'm going to toss it after I get something else in there. I just need something to take down the nitrates. After I set it up (used 75, came with fish), and kept only about 35% of the water, the nitrates still read at 100! There isn't a huge bio load on it or anything... this guy just never A) did water changes, and B) used LR, LS, or L-anything. I compltely removed the 4 1/2" CC, put in about 1" of LS, and am buying as much LR whenever I can. After about a month, I've seen it drop to about 70, so I'm happy with the progress. Nowhere near the 40 I'd like to see it reach, but it's a start.
i wouldn't even start using the calupra !!!!!
once it gets hold in your tank - refugium - etc . - it's a bit hard to totally get rid of.
i've read and am experiencing this right now - eventually the cheato will overpower and take over the calupra but you'll still stand the chance of it dying or going " sexual "