chainlink eel diet?


I have a chainlink in a 125 along with a snowflake,a wrasse, a lionfish and a 2 squirells. The Chainlink is the only one of the inhabitants that doesnt stick feed. As a matter of fact, i never see him eat at all except when i dump small brine shrimp in the tank........any suggestions on feeding hi???????? What does other owners have success with as far as a diet


He doesnt come out with the others to accept stick feeding......He stays back in the ledges.....however, we have tried frozen shrimp cut into pieces and sand eels. He will eat frozen brine shrimp but they are so small compared to his size that im sure it is inadequate for sustaining him. He has semed to thrive however for quite some time so i assume hes eating something in the tank but not stick feeding like the other tank inhabitants


Have you tried silversides? My eels wouldn't eat anything frozed for the longest time and now that's pretty much all they want.
You also might try feeding at nighttime, since that's when most eels like to come out.
Good luck.