Active Member was bound to happen...mistake number 800...i there trying to dig out a coral in my tank that fell...well of course my clown fish has gotten very mean since she started hosting the sebae(was never this bad when hosting zoos,etc) i decided i'll distract them with food while i do i put a bit on the end of my finger, it flies around and they eat a bit, but no i try again...and then she really got me, and BUMP...what was just a tiny bit of food became a MASSIVE cloud of food! :scared: :scared: start freaking out grab the cup as soon as i could...then start sucking with the you can see....i think this is OVERFEEDING for you newbies out there :scared: and on top of that she is still pissed about me being in there, and the bites dont hurt much, but after the 20th bite it gets awfully annoying.....ay....water changes water changes water changes!