Chandler's JOURNEY, lol


Active Member
Well, this is somewhat of a journey through the time of my tank. From wen I wasnt very knowledged to today. This is just wen I put the 50 pounds of stolen rock from the caymens in there. LOL, I actually wouldnt consider it stealing, more like taking from the ocean. Just like one would take a rock from the meadow...:thinking: . You have no idea how many blue legs sprang out of this rock...


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This is the point where I got a wet dry and a UV sterilizer, and hoses running everywhere. Things were getting better, tank was maturing. I thought the hoses were cool, but now they are just UGLY.


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A lil while after THAT, I decided to redo the rocks, and make it into a more "reeflike" type setup, lol. It wa just like a MOUND of rocks, no swimways or anything.


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This is the point after, wen my tank literally "crashed". Power outtage, wet dry flooded. Terrible mess. Luckily insurance paid for my parents to redo all the carpeting in the house.
. As much as they wanted to pretend they were mad, they knew they wanted that new carpeting.... I bought a pvc section and built my rocks nicely around it. I also got a background, thanx to the helpfullness of Dustin.


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This is now one month ago, with 25 pounds of Fiji live rock right from good ol Yet still I didnt make a very nice swimming area for my fishies...


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This is today. I made a very nice rock formation on the right, The whole side is one huge cave. The left side is also my Lionfish, Nick's, favorite spot. It is a nice lil "grotto" in the "playfish mansion"
. I made a nice swimming area for my fishies finally:D


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thank you. I DID get most of it from the ocean. Lucky me, the crusie ship securita wasnt working too well the day I went snorkeling.


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cool... when my uncle goes to flordia hes going diving and he said hell bring back over 100 lbs for the 125. Your tank beats mine by a mile.


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add an aneome.. you really dont have to have strong lights for them.. Just have to have them on for a min. of 11 hours a day. Lisa at the fish store take care of more than 50 tanks in our town and she said she has seen many anemone will little or no lighting live for years!
i was shocked!


nice progression...i can see it copming together know how bad it is to take rock from the ocean....we hurt the ocean enough no need to break laws


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No anemone. Lisa from fish store is very lucky lisa. I have had them, and they just shrivel up and go BYEBYE. I feed em, nurture em, keep em in good water. I had a huge BROWN bubble tip once. It began to shrivel, turned whitish, didnt open as mcuh. Then it split, but didnt split right, then died. I dont need one anyway, they arent that great. O, and I took rock from the ocean:D . OOPsies.


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hes going to a diving place where you are aloud to take stuff b/c they put it there and they own the beach. You have to pay to dive but you can take fish, corals, rocks, stars, and tons of stuff. He said the last time he went there were just ugly black fish.


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My dad was the Giants waterboy for 8 years. They used to have their summer "camp" at the University here in Farifield. My gradnfather got a job as a security guard just coming out of service in the Navy, and he "hooked him up". LOL, we have like jerseys and helmets and footballs, all used in the games. Bet u dont have a cool dad like that.


Active Member

Originally posted by Chandler04
My dad was the Giants waterboy for 8 years. They used to have their summer "camp" at the University here in Farifield. My gradnfather got a job as a security guard just coming out of service in the Navy, and he "hooked him up". LOL, we have like jerseys and helmets and footballs, all used in the games. Bet u dont have a cool dad like that.

perhaps it's a joke.. but i don't think it's very funny that you say "but you don't have a cool dad like that" just not the way it should go
but anyway nioce tank, allthough i do think it's slightly overstocked