change from cc to ls


would like to know whats the best way to change cc over to ls my tank is cycled and i have 1 clown and some inverts and dont want my tank to cycle again so if anyone knows the best way to change over please let me know.:jumping:


If you cycle the sand seperately & first, you should have no probs. Just put it in a vat with the usual, powerhead, heater and piece of cocktail shrimp. Then wait patiently for 6 weeks.:)


do they not sell sand thats already cylced my lfs has some prepacked sand are should i buy it from this site when the get on there feet again.has anyone heard how the faired with the big bad storm.


Your right. Sorry I didn't read it correctly. If the sand is live then you simply need to cure it. I was thinking of dry, home depot sand.


When I switched from CC to LS I used a wet/dry vac. I removed the fish and inverts, put the hose down to the CC, and turned on the vac. It sucked some of the water and all the debris and CC right up. I then replaced the little bit of water with some I had premixed, and Then added the bag of LS. It took a little while for it to settle down before I added my fish and stuff back, but It worked fine and I had no loss of life. I used a softball sized handfull of my CC tied up in some cheesecloth to help reseed my LS with some of the life I had in my tank. Overall it was not to messy this way and I am 100% happy with the sand.


A 12 gallon tank should be a piece of cake.
Take out your crushed coral.
Make sure to keep all your filter media wet.
House the fish in a seperate container or bucket for a while.
Slowly place your live sand in the tank. Give it an hour to settle if its cloudy, don't worry if it stays cloudy for a while because its natural.
No matter what you do, this will change things in your tank. You could stir up tons of detritus from your cc depending on just how dirty it is. If it is really dirty then you will want to have a water change ready to replace the dirty water that is removed. If using argonite sand then you could see changes in your calcium and alk at first, just let it settle.
If you really want to you can remove some of your cc per week until it is all gone. Time this in with your regular water changes. then replace with sand.
Always monitor your water paramiters.


after i add the sand how long before i put the fish back in the tank.i mean should i keep them out for a day or more.please let me know i heard that cc is bad for the tank and i want to switch over as soon as i can but dont want to hurt my fish.i will be getting the sand from this site if that helps any.:confused:


Sand storms don't hurt the fish, you can probably put them back in an hour after you add the sand. Sooner if it settles right away.