Change Reef tank to Fish Only


New Member
I currently have had a reef tank up & running for about 2 years. We had lots of equipment problems off and on which have caused us to lose most of our coral.
What I have left is a Pajama Cardinal, Blue Damsel, Black & White stripe damsel and a mandarin goby, purple mushrooms all over, a swollen brain, disc coral & some yellow polyps, snails, hermits, 2 serpent starfish.
I found that I don't have enough time to keep up with the tank to keep coral anymore but I don't want to give up the tank completely.
My husband & son would like a puffer fish and maybe a trigger or some other fish that are fun to watch. If I get rid of most of the corals that are left, is it easier to maintain a fish only tank?
My understanding is the lights don't have to be as strong and they are easier upkeep. Is this true?
The tank is a 75 gallon and we have about 80-90 lbs of live rock with a wet/dry, protein skimmer.
Any suggestions, help is appreciated. Thanks.


IMO - a F/O is far easier to care for. You already have the equipment. I read in one book once that "fish don't care what type of lighting you have, just so they have lighting!". You still have to watch your params of course but you can get away with a tad bit more w/F/O. JMO. BTW if you want to get rid of anything, let me know. I live in Camp Hill.


Active Member
You're in great shape on equipment and as stated lighting is not an issue. Just plain NO's work great.
Your fish selections of puffer and trigger has some impact though. Your inverts won't be safe with those fish and you can expect your pyjama to get picked on as well. They're just too mellow for aggressive fish like triggers and puffers.
If you do go for a trigger and want to keep your inverts look into the planctonic (sp?) like blue throat. A niger would be ok for ahile but will outgrow your 75. As for puffers do some research. Probably only a toby would be good for a 75. Some get very large.
Good Luck!


I replied to your e-mail but I'm not sure you got it. When I sent to the address in the e-mail itself, it "dissapeared"!