Active Member
Well, I had my sand triple washed and ready to go for the last 2 weeks, just sitting next to the tank, mocking me. Had some free time last night so I drained about 15 gallons from my 55 gal tank into a bunch of buckets. Pulled my corals, all the snails I could reach, and about half of my LR and placed them into the buckets. Removed about 1/3 of the CC, placed the new sand into the tank, then moved the remaining LR onto the new sand. The water got really, really, cloudy and dirty but I kept my Magnum 350 going and changed out the micron cartridges 4 times during the changeover process. After completeing the new sand installation, placing the LR and corals back into the tank, and letting the filter run all night with another fresh cartridge, the tank cleared up by this morning. It looks like evrrybody survived the disruption-frogspawn, hammer coral, branch coral, mushrooms, snails, cleaner shrimp, and the fish. The tank is sooooo much better looking with the sand, I wish I had done this a long time ago! That CC was nasty, even though I used to stir it up regularly to filter out the bad stuff.