changing filtration, need help


I have an 80 reef with wet dry filtration and red sea protein skimmer inside the filter as I have no room on the back for any equipment. The tank is extremely healthy, so I probably shouldn't change a thing, but.... I also have an 80 gallon aggressive with poor filtration for a salt tank. No fish in it yet as I need to upgrade the filtration and decided which fish to get (another post of mine) I am thinking about moving my wet/dry and protein skimmer to the empty 80 and upgrading the reef to have a refugium, using live rock instead of bioballs, etc. Everything would need to go into the cabinet as I do not have space outside, any suggestons, or should I just go with a wet dry that has a compartment for refugium?


You should make a refugium that will work for your set up. Get whatever sized tank will fit under your stand and the cut some acrylic and silicone it in place. If you can not cut acrylic let me know and I can cut it for you and ship it to you.


is that the best filtration, or should I go canister? Do you make the wet dry set up and ship it, or just individual pieces?