changing from cc


I have removing my cc a little at a time over the past week, I'm about to add the sand. My question is can I put my lr in a cooler with salt water until the sand settles?


Active Member
Do a search on here about switching CC to LS there have been many posts about this. A good walk through was one between Thomas712 and Mech737.
But yes you can keep your LR in a cooler while you do a switch, I kept my LS in one while I moved from my old tank to my new one.


You might also consider placing some eggcrate down in your tank, just cut it a couple inches short of all sides, then lay your sand down on top of it. This is only if you are doing a SSB or sallow sand bed. I did it and only have about a 2 inch sandbed. I didn't want any rock making a reefalanch on the bottom pane of glass.
Scotts - I've been getting the feeling you want that thread to be a sticky in the newbe forum. :notsure:


Active Member
Thomas, from Luvsaltyf Thanks, and a big thanks to Scott for that thread! Sounds exactly like our tank
Well you can guess what thread she is talking about. :joy: :D
Hey I am a lazy SOB, if it has been written on how to invent the wheel, why write it again?
Bang has asked for threads he thinks should be included as informational posts, guess which one I nominated?
I guess when I grow up I want to be you.

Sounding like an idiot now, C-ya.


Scotts has a great point. I know that I did they CC to sand change myself and try to help out those who post new threads (what seems like) several times a week.
A thread with detailed explanation would be great in the "Advise for new hobbyists" thread.
Just giving my 2 cents. :D


I agree as i am considering doing the same and have been flipping from post to post to get more detailed info. Just my no cents may you fish always poop in crystal clear water:D


Well its done I took my fish out I have them in 5 gal buckets the tank is so cloudy now you can't see anything, I have my filter running and have been cleaning the pads every 30 minutes, its not helping much, when will it be safe to put the fish back in the tank?


I just cahnged from cc to sand last week and i keep the filter off to let the sand filter, with the filter on ur just pushing it around more w/o giving it time to settle


Active Member
I don't think it will hurt to have your fish in a bucket overnight. Just think of how ships their fishes overnight. In a plastic bag. It certainly would not hurt to throw in a powerhead and a heater if you could. Of course a little powerhead, I think the heater is more important. Yeah leave your filters off overnight and let things settle. I don't think it could hurt.
Good luck