Changing from crushed coral to sand?


I was thinking about changing out the crushed coral in my 10 gal hospital tank for some sand. The new sand (not live sand)would not start any kind of cycle would it?
The guy who had the tank before me did not pay to much attention to it and as a result it is dirty. (did not help he had 4 fish in there either). The crushed coral looks HORRIBLE and is infested with diatoms and other undesirable algae.
I have the water under control and stable, added some cured live rock and a clean up crew, but the cc still looks like crap.
I was thinking about draining the water out of the tank into a couple of big buckets, putting the rock and fish in one of them then rinse out the tank and get rid of the coral and replace it with some sand.
Good plan?
Dont put any substrate in there ... Paint the outside bottom black or blue. No substrate is needed in a QT. Add a sponge filter, or any filter ... And something for the fish to hide in such as some pvc pipe. Maybe a small powerhead to keep the current moving in there. Substarte is not needed, just take it out !


I have another 10 gal i am going to set up as my QT. I'm going to do a nano in this 10 gal with a couple of clowns


Active Member
What's the question? Seems like you already got a good answer.:thinking: