I have decided to change my lighting in my 35 gallon hex tank from PC to metal halides/T5 and to change the filtration from HOB biowheel filter to 10 gallon refugium w/ protein skimmer. The overflow is hang on so I will not have to modify the tank at all to change the filtration. 2 questions.
1.) Will changing the lighting put any stress on my fish? Should I only have the lights on for short periods the first few days?
2.) Should I cycle the refugium as I would any other tank? I am going to put live rock, live sand, chaeto, and copepods in it. I am a little concerned about the change over because my clownfish and chromis will be introduced to different water.
1.) Will changing the lighting put any stress on my fish? Should I only have the lights on for short periods the first few days?
2.) Should I cycle the refugium as I would any other tank? I am going to put live rock, live sand, chaeto, and copepods in it. I am a little concerned about the change over because my clownfish and chromis will be introduced to different water.