Changing Live Sand


When I started up my tank, I went the cheap way and used play sand. It worked ok and I have not had any problems but it wasn't pretty. Made the water look brown. SOOOO, when I got some loot I put black sand on top of the play sand. The black looked really cool until my triggers mixed the black and play sand together and now it looks like salt and pepper. Not very nice looking, but the sand is realy LIVE with all sort of stuff. So Im at a point now where I want to chnage the sand. what the best way to do this without breaking my tank down. It's a 180gal tank and there is nothing living in it but a few crabs. Basically I starting over.
OH! One other question. It's an acrilic tanks and Im having a hard time cleaning the green algea without leaving cratches. anyboby have any good cleaning methods?