Changing my CC out today - Questions, Please Help.


I have alot of LR in my tank, My clean-up Crew, 2 Anemone and my fish.
Today I am going to get 45lbs of LS and replace my CC.
I have a few questions:
Do I save any water? Should I remove everything from the tank and then do a 100% percent water change?
Should I leave the fish in? Drain the tank down to 50%, remove the Live Rock and Anemones then replace the CC?
I have a 6-Line Wrasse in the tank. I also had 3 Peppermint Shrimp but he has killed one of them and he picks at the others anytime they come out. I have been told that 6-Lines are great for Reef tanks and I love the way he moves through the tank, on the same token I have heard he will go after Shrimp, Snails, Crabs. If he is gonna go after my Clean-Up I wanna get rid of him tomorrow when I have the chance. Is there a different type of shrimp I should buy? Should I remove the Shrimp or the Wrasse all together?
I have some Live Rock which has some Hair Algae on it, do you guys have any advice on the best way to clean the rock off or do I need to basically just slowly pick it off?
I've never done this before - I don't have another established tank to move anything too so I am nervous I will somehow crash the tank doing this.....
Please, if you have done this before with success let me know the best way to do this, I am going in the morning to get the sand and will be doing the switch.


If feasible, I would try to remove as much of the CC as possible with everything still in the tank. If you can get almost all of it out, the slowly add the sand so as to not create too much cloudiness. I just poured mine in slowly with a cup near the bottom. But, this might not work for your situation, that's for you to decide.


Active Member
I moved everything from a 55 to a 75 last year.
The 55 had CC
I set the 75 up with a DSB.
I removed everything in the tank to several rubbermaid type containers - kept them warm with heaters and each had a powerhead.
Tore down the 55, and set the 75 in the same place.
Used mostly new water - but I would not suggest doing it.
Save your water in the same rubbermaid containers.
If you have filters, keep them warm and wet and running in one of the containers too.
After you get ALL the CC out of the tank - rinse it out with freshwater if you can.
Add a little old saltwater - lay down your sandbed - then add heater. Add some more old water and continue to add the rock and such until the tank's almost full.
Get the tank up to temperature if it dropped. Keep an eye on your livestock that are still in the rubbermaids.
Once the tank's full, warm and has filters back in service ( and is circulating ) add any last pieces of rock, and livestock.
It can be done - if you pay attention to the details.
Nothing can get cold.
Nothing can get dry.
Return any unwanted critters to LFS.
It's the best way IMO

salty rick

Deffinatly keep the water. I used rubbermaid containers to siphone out the water. I put all the LR, corals and fish in the rubermaid. (I was able to get the damesels out that I had been trying to catch.) I scooped out the CC. Put in the sand. Put some of the water back into the tank. Put the LR, corals and fish back in. Put the rest of the water back in except for 0% and then put in fresh salt water. I used a canister filter to clear the water. It is going to be cludy for several days. After it cleared I arranged my LR the way I wanted it.


Broomer and Rick - Thanks alot.
This was my problem - I posted in Reef Tanks forum that I had CC and my LFS for 2 Long Tentacle Anemones got me to purchase LS so they had a place to dig in their foot.
She also told me it was ok for me to just lay the sand down over the CC. Reading an early post people were talking how that doesn't go very well and can crash the tank if toxins trapped in the CC are later released.
With that said I want to completely change out my tank floor. Broomer you said you did a tank switch from a 55 to a 75 Gal.
After a long awaited Vacation in 4 weeks I will be actually looking to replace my existing 55 with a 90 or 110 Gallon tank. I just laid the sand overtop the Substrate last weekend, do I have enough time to just wait until I return from vacation, and is taking everything out of my 55 like you did and putting it into the 90 using same rock, livestock, Filters, Water a safe thing to do?
Is it recommended?