Changing out VHO lights?


I run 440 watts of vho's over my tank and I was wondering out often they should be changed out. I know after awhile they are inaffective....Its about $115 to change out the 4 lights so I dont want to change them before they need to be....Thanks

jb rekit

I've been running my current set of VHO bulbs for 13 months. I have my replacements sitting behind the tank, but have not seen any problems at all so far. Everything is growing just as fast as ever. I'm probably going to go ahead and replace them though, just to prevent a neucance algae bloom or something like that (I don't want to press my luck that much, it's not worth it)


I change mine out every 12 months. From everything I have read the spectrum on the bulbs shifts around this time. This shift is "supposedly" not appreciable to the eye.


Active Member
If you have multiple bulbs you don't want to change them all at once... the increase in lighting can kill your corals. Instead space them out in about 2 week intervals.


never heard that before. What is the basis for that? I have 660 watts of VHO. Changed as many as 4 at a time. No die off, no noticeable affect on anything in my tank. The tank has been up for over 3 years now.


I have five running and will change 2 or 3 at a time. I also heard the quick change of every bolb can be harmfum. I change out every 11-14 months


I have also heard dont change all at once that it could have ill effects on the coral it like acclimateing them all over again. I hear once a year is best to change them out.


Active Member
If you haven't had much of a change in the performance of your bulbs it might not matter, but some ppl wait WAY too long to change their bulbs. :D