Changing over from a 55 to a 180 questions

Ok heres the problem. This weekend im running down to the local fishstore to pick up a 180 gallon system but what i am going to do is put the 180 where my 55 is. Question is, can anyone think of what i can do with the fish? Ill have some saltwater made to add to the 180 but somehow i will have to drain the 55, stick the fish somewhere, move the 55 out and put the 180 in, add all the stuff from the 55 including the LS and LR and sump to the 180.
Now, will this new 180 gallon tank, cycle? Ill be using all the water from the 55 gallon, but as you can tell ill be close to 130 gallons short of water so that will be added afterwards. Giving the fish to a LFS is pretty much out of the question since they would most likely not survive the trip.
Thanks for all your suggestions...


Active Member
Wow Bobothewizard - sounds like a lot of fun to me :p
I did the swap over from a 55 to a 75 last December, but man your situation is quite a bit different. Much more water involved and such a nice size tank you're moving up to.
The cheap ( inexpensive ) option I chose was Rubbermaid containers. I replaced all of the saltwater in the tank - aside from about 10-15 gallons for the sump.
I moved everything over to plastic rubbermaid containers. Tankwater, heater(s), powerheads, live rock, fish. Corals were removed and placed in a 30 gallon tank weeks prior to this change over.
Removed old subtrate from 55.
Tore down and removed the 55.
Set up the 75.
Layed down DSB in 75.
Added "new" saltwater to 75 about 1/3rd up the tank.
Got it to temperature and checked s.g. and pH.
Added some of the live rock.
Let this water circulate with a powerhead.
All along I kept all my biological media wet and warm in the rubbermaids - with the fish.
Finished filling the 75, and let it run overnight.
Next day added back my fish after test results looked decent.
Clarkii clown, royal gramma, yellowtail damsel - all made it. All are pretty hardy fish though, and I'm sure that helped.
Took other fish back to store I chose not to keep.
What KIND and how MANY fish are you talking about here ???
I saw a little hit of ammonia, but I did not experience what I would consider a "strong" recyle of the tank.
In your case - going from the 55 to a 180 - I would have to go the same route, but possibly allow for some more time before adding back the fish.
You can keep fish in a rubbermaid container for a long period of time - providing you keep the live rock in there, lots of water circulation and heated water ( if necessary ).
Then set up your new 180 with the new water and substrate.
Will this tank cycle - my bet is yes to some degree - it almost has to IMO.
If you have a lot live sand and live rock - this cycle may be short lived.
Only the test results will tell.
HTH and good luck.
I'd be excited yet a little apprehensive doing it this way - but man what a tank you'll have.


As Broomer said, sounds like fun. I agree with his plan, another option that i believe someone else on this board did was get a baby pool. move everything over into it, then move back when you have everything ready to go. just a thought. good luck. i have a 55gal, want to go to a 180 too. i am jealous!!
Thanks alot for the help. Can you believe the wife actually talked me into getting the bigger tank. She likes her tangs and right now the 55 is stuffed with fish, 5 clowns, 1 hippo tang, 1 yellow tang, and 1 powder blue tang, 1 serpent star and 1 sand sifter. So as you can see if i dont do something quick all the levels will rise in the tank and the fish will die.
Ok guys thanks again for the help.


Active Member
I feel for you.. Your back will hate you soon!
I went from a 75 to a 180 and lost a friend over it. He won't help me anymore. :)
I bought 40gallon trash cans and put everything in them. Rock in 2 and fish in the other one. Belive me, you'll need the cans anyway.(waterchanges)
It is a very heavy tank. I mean Heavy. Be sure to install your sump before you put the tank on top. I made that mistake and had to take out the center brace of the stand to get it in.
Good Luck!


I have a 180 but it is fresh. The tank alone was supose to way 300 lbs. if it is all glass like mine. I was fun to put in. But to the good news, I bought a 100 gal to convert my 70 gal into. I'm going to put it inset in my wall. Wish me luck.