Changing over to Wet/ any ideas???


Well, I am giving up on my Fluval 404. Does anyone have ideas on diy wet/dry? Web-links would be appreciated. What about using my Fluval to power it? My tank is 65 gal. Thanks in advance.... Mobikobeyob :D


Active Member
I recommend not changing over to wet dry filters, they become nitrate generators in reef systems. Change to DSB or Plenum system instead, cost less, is more natural and requires no maintenance.

nm reef

Active Member
I researched and ask basically the same decision was......100 lbs lr.....80 + lbs a 55 gal reef......and no problems.......light maintenace........all readings are stable.....corals and fish happy and growing.....hope this helps ya.......


While I agree that Wet-Dry filters produce more nitrate, I do think a sump is very worthwhile. It gives you a place to put your hardware like skimmers and heaters, and it increases your water volume, which is like a cushion in case of a problem. You can make your own sump system by using a smaller aquarium, like a 20 gallon or 30 gallon tank, an overflow (you'll have to buy that probably), and a return pump, which could be your fluval. Don't put any bioballs or other media in it, unless you want to make it a refugium with Live sand or a DSB for nitrate reduction. You could also go to a local acrylic fabricator and get them to make you a sump. I had one made that was about an 18" cube and it only cost about $40. The advantage for the acrylic is that you can drill it and have a better pump to run the system, like an Iwaki or something. Most of the big reef books advocate using sumps.
Good luck,


I agree with sonny, convenience in temp regulation, aesthetics...eliminating clutters from the main tank such as protein skimmer and heater, ease of adding supplements and lastly, my clams need some nitrates and they are healthier since I added a wet/dry system.


New Member
Yeah dont go a wet/dry system cause you have to have a glass bottom and then you need to buffer it every day to keep the ph and calcium up. The system on my tank is the berlin system I have the sump which is a very good thing to have under your tank but I have a berlin protien skimmer in it and all the live rock in your tank acts as the filter so that is a much better way than a wet dry system. Darren........


Use a sump instead of the wet/dry, for added water capacity and a place to put skimmer and heater. Avoid bio balls. Increase LS & LR to handle bio load.


I set up my 29 gallons (5 months)reef tank with a 55 g capacity wet/dry (with a lot of bio balls in it). my protein skimmer is in the sum of the wet/dry. I have 20 lbs ls and 15 lbs lr. So far, I don't have any problem with the water parameter. The set up works for me and it might not work for everyone.


Invest in a protien Skimmer and L.R. this is all that is required for a Reef.
IMO Darryl