Changing PC Bulbs...


I just changed my 65 watt PCs the other day, but it was incredibly difficult. I couldn't find the directions for the lamp so I had to wing it. It's a coralife fixture and has straight pin connections. To get my bulbs out of the end caps I had to pry them out with the tip of a screw driver. I ended up cracking a bit of the plastic on one of the end caps. It still works fine, but I'd rather not go through painful process again. Is there a quick release method that I'm missing? I just find it hard to believe that it's supposed to be so difficult. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
If I remember that light is a twist and lift.. Not that it was very easy to get out. I have replaced those bulbs in that light fixture a few times but I didnt have to much trouble getting them out. Do you still have the plastic cover which slides over the bottom of the light to protect it from salt creep?
As for the quick release, I dont think it has one....


What do you mean by twist and fit? The PC bulbs have four little pins that fit into 4 sockets in the end cap. It looks like they should just plug in and out of the sockets. Does this sound like your setup? I didn't do any twisting. Maybe this is my problem?
I do still have the cover on there. So I don't think the salt did any real damage to the metal. I had the light bulbs on there for about 10 months. Maybe the bulb become diffcult to take off if left on too long?


Active Member

Originally posted by sleeri
What do you mean by twist and fit? The PC bulbs have four little pins that fit into 4 sockets in the end cap. It looks like they should just plug in and out of the sockets. Does this sound like your setup? I didn't do any twisting. Maybe this is my problem?
I do still have the cover on there. So I don't think the salt did any real damage to the metal. I had the light bulbs on there for about 10 months. Maybe the bulb become diffcult to take off if left on too long?

Four pins that slide into place. If my memory serves this morning you lift from one side or the other to get past a layer of sheet metal that holds the light from slipping out. I could be wrong as I have more than one model of PC light kits that im using. But thats the light I have on my 90 Proline tank.
Anyway I think we are talking about the same light. Its the model they made with the moonlight 2x10k 2xactinic #5?