?changing substrate


New Member
I have a 29g tank that has been running for about 6wks. I have finished my cycle but am having a tough time deciding on my substrate. I started with cc and a undergravel filter. I pulled the undergravel and put a large grain sand on top of the cc. I am not too happy with this and am considering quickcrete or southdown sand. I am trying to figure out if I am going to have to go through my cycle again or if there is a good way to transition with out hurting whats in my tank. (25lbs lr, mushrooms, 18 blue leg crabs, 2 damsels, brittle star, and 1 cleaner shrimp)


Active Member
No way to 100% predict a no-recyle - but with 25 lbs of live rock - only 2 fish - there's a very good chance you can change out your substrate with little if any cycle.
How are your water test readings now ?
What if any other filtration do you have ?
Are you planning to add just dry sand or any live sand ?


New Member
currently I am running 2 aquaclear 150's with a powerhead pushing about 170 gal/hr. My ammonia and nitrites are at 0, nitrates are about 5 and ph I think is around 8.2. I was going to just add sand right now and maybe some ls in the future. Most of this is new to me, I am learning as I go. I have heard alot of people talking about how good sand is. I was also wondering if a dsb is the best or the only way to go with sand?


Active Member
IMO and many on this board - DSB is a great way to go.
Also IMO - If you can remove half of your live rock and put into a large plastic container tub, remove some of the water to that container, add a heater to maintain temperature .... Then remove everthing else from the tank and put it in your tub including all inverts and fish ... Then lastly add the balance of the water from your tank ... you'd have an empty tank then. Ideally have both aquaclear 150's running on the tub while you swap substrates. If they won't hang on the side of the tub, at least remove the biomedia and place it in the tub as well.
You may want to rinse the biomedia in a small amount of your old saltwater ( removed from the tub in a small bucket ) if it is heavily fouled with trapped wastes first. Add powerhead to tub and you're ready for sand change.
Scoop out the old mixed CC/sand substrate. Some folks are placing some of this old substrate in a ladies stocking/pantie hose, to help seed the new sandbed. Others just toss it out.
How you intend to do your sandbed is entirely up to you. Some folks put down base rock or live rock base first - then add sand. Others lay down desired depth of sand ... then add rock.
It's up to you - personally I like having the DSB throughout the tank - then add rock "on top" of sand, pressing the first layer of rock down into the sand a little as I go. It's up to you.
You'll hear the pro's and con's of doing it either way.
Once you have some of the rock in place, begin to slowly add some of your saltwater from the tub back to your tank. Continue doing this, building your rock structure ... and eventually you'll come to a point when you must start adding the inverts and fish back. Check temperature of tank first, and if good, then add your critters.
Once all is back into your tank - add your 2 aquaclear 150's, powerhead. Allow tank water to settle - it may be cloudy.
Note: Ideally if you are planning to add live sand in the future - adding it to your new sandbed now would help to reduce any recyle. Although if you work quickly, and keep everything wet and warm during the process, I don't think you'll have much of a recyle at all.
If so ... very minimum at best.
Now would also be the time to decide if you are planning to keep both damsels, or not.
If not - great chance to remove them for return to lfs. If not - add the little buggers back then :p
My opinion - not 100% guarantee.
Good luck my friend

nm reef

Active Member
Outstanding plan offered by broomer....gotta love them sharks.....I agree that its possible to do without a major re-cycle....especially if you use 20-40 lbs of natures ocean LS.....and I would look at using carib sea sands to make up the rest of the DSB(aragonite or aragamax)....costs more money but in the long run its well worth the expense....good luck and let us know how it goes :cool:


Active Member
You will definately have a recycle of some sort if you use 100% "dead" sand. Seeding it w/ live sand will allow cysle to be very short. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks NM reef
I agree with your comments regarding the Natures Ocean live sand and your suggested choice for dry sand.
Both you and flamehawk stressed a point that I had not in my reply - thanks both of you guys for the added live sand remarks - it truly would help to reduce the chance for a recyle.
Although I prefer not to use the word "definately" regarding others tanks and situations - I do indeed appreciate you catching my mistake and offering your suggestions ;)