Changing tank sizes


Hey All,
My 29 bow front is getting a bit crowded. I am thinking of moving to a 75 and was wondering if it would be possible just to move everything over except the sand of course. I don't foresee any issues as long as the new tank is cycled. I plan on using live sand in the new one too, let me know what you think and some things I might need to consider before I do it.


I just did it a few months back moving everything from my 50g to my 150g. Kind of a pain in the butt but I got her done with no casualties. Try to make the parameters in your new tank as close to the ones in your old tank(temp, salinity, calcium, ph, alk). One thing I did was reacclimate the fish to the new tank same as I would if I brought them home from the store. Don't know if it is necessary but I didn't lose any fish.