Changing Tanks-46g. to a 125g.


Active Member
I have a question for all of you out there. What is the best way to start up my new tank- 125? I realize that going from a smaller tank I will have to season the new tank before anything swimming goes into it, but I am mainly interested in how to go about transferring the live rock. I have been told that once the tank is stable as far as the temp and salinity is basicly the same I can transfer the rock. But to be honest, I am a little scared to do this so soon. Also, how much live sand should I invest in for the tank. I have about 60 lbs , still in the bags. Unfortunately the custom cabinet isn't ready yet so I figure I can get some suggestions first. I have made a tremendous investment into this and I certainly don't want to rush. Please advise. :help:


Active Member
:notsure: Come on now, don't let me down. I know you guys can help me. Don't let me have to rely on my local pet store for help


I had recently went from (2) 30 gallons to a 125 so I know what you are talking about. unfortunately there is no good way to do this. you have to set the 125 in place and fill it a little more than half with ro/di water and then mix your salt, then use the rest of your existing tank water to the mix, DO NOT do this with tap water. the algie will be horrendous and as long as you are doing it from scratch do it right. I had to make the switch in 1 night with some live stock and allot of corals and inverts died due to the sudden ph shock. take your time and do it the right way. I had no choice and i paid the price.
p.s. I know once you get the water in the 125 and all looks good your mind cant stop thinking about all the cool stuff you can cram in there. add slowly but sureley, thats the way to do it in my opinion