Changing to a reef tank

Hi I'm converting one of my tanks into a reef tank. I would like info on caring for it. Its a 120 gallon f/o tank right now. I have ordered the Metal halide lights. What else do I need to buy to care for this tank. I'm planning on Live rock next weekend. Do I need a calcium reactor or what? How do I do this on a daily, weekly basis? what kind of additive schedule do I keep? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm an advanced fish only hobbiest right now. My f/o tank is a 225 gallon.


Active Member
TheReefManiac said:
Hi I'm converting one of my tanks into a reef tank. I would like info on caring for it. Its a 120 gallon f/o tank right now. I have ordered the Metal halide lights. What else do I need to buy to care for this tank. I'm planning on Live rock next weekend. Do I need a calcium reactor or what? How do I do this on a daily, weekly basis? what kind of additive schedule do I keep? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm an advanced fish only hobbiest right now. My f/o tank is a 225 gallon.[/QUOT Since you are familiar with salt tanks it should be a pretty easy transition. The main thing is the calcium--must be maintained at least at 400. Depending on the types of coral you are interested in that can differ dramaticaly. I don't have have any hard corals, so maybe someone on this forum can help with that. I mostly have LPS and SPS corals. I would also check your phosphates, corals do not like phosphates. I personally do not have a calcium reactor, if you use live sand and good quality live rock you should be fine. The other thing is water flow--20x's the volume of the tank. I wish you all the best, you are venturing into the other world, good luck! Read, Read, Read, the internet is a wonderous tool.


Active Member
if u wanna do reef id recommend a quality good sized skimmer like an ASM-G3 for your tank
u can do a reactor but not too necessary unless u get into clams and sps then clacium goes fast but if not too many at first just dose with a 2 part addative ive used B-ionic before on my old 100 it worked well
make sure ur ready for the heat in the tank that comes along with MH lighting u may need to get a chiller or atleast some cooling fans!
then u might consider an auto top off system for fresh RO/DI water cuz it will evaporate alot in one day upwards of 2 gallons given lots of flow
run your salinity a lil hight at about 1.025 for a reef tank too
good luck and have fun!