chaos in tank


My 75 gal fowlr tank has been running for 6 months or so. I stocked it with a longnose hawkfish, blue spotted puffer and pink skunk clown. Months later I added a yellow watchman goby, small pink clown. Last month I added 3 beau gregory damsels and a sunrise dottyback. That day, the dottyback was attacked and later died. The next day, 1 damsel was dead and another was missing half a tail. A couple days ago I added a dragon wrasse and he was dead the next morning. My water tested fine. Can you tell me if I should remove any of these fishes?


You've got an aggressive little tank!
The damsels probably picked each other off and quite possibly could be attacking new additions. I've never owned a peaceful yellow watchmen goby either. Puffers and hawkfish are also 50/50 on whether they are aggressive or not. Given that you have numerous semi-aggressive fish, they're more likely to all be aggressive, especially to newcomers.


the yellow watchman stays under a rock and never bothers anyone. The hawkish, puffer and mature clown are all about 2.5 inches and seem to be the aggressors. I didn't see any compatibility issues with the dottyback on any chart and the LFS suggested the dragon wrasse. The damsels are only 1 inch. I just want to restore peace in my tank. Any advice on future species? I'm contemplating removing the damsels today.