Cheap lights for a 10g reef?


I'm about to start a 10g reef and I want to know what kind of lights that are out there that are cheap. I'm going to go with soft corals only. What do you all recommend? The reason why I want cheap lights is because I'm saving up money for a 200g reef tank. I already have two other tanks right now. Thanks.


i bough a 32w smart lamp with a reflector 50/50 bulb and the ballast for 50 dollars that fits on my canopy. here's a pic of it.

here's a pic of the tank with the lights on.

you'll be able to keep all the softies under this light and i seen guys that keep some lps under this same light and same tank bubbles, frogpaws, brains, etc. email me if your interested.


I too have used the 32watt retro conversion. I converted a 10 gal 20" striplight, works great, but, i would of liked the lamp to be longer, and a clip to secure the bulb a little better, however all my co workers are enveous


reefcrazy...that's a nice pic. However, I don't have a canopy. I'm thinking about getting a JBJ lighting system. I think it runs about $60 and gives off like 32w or something.

panther g

New Member
this place has great prices on their lights.<a href="" target="_blank">Lamps Now</a>.They have great prices and service.