Cheap power compacts


I've been gone for almost 4yrs and after getting married and having my first child, my wife decided she misses my old reef tank. I sold my 30gal tank with all coral/equipment, but just picked up a 75gal SeaClear II reef ready tank for $150. I am in need of lighting and stumbled across 3 different 48" 220-260w power compact fixtures with bulbs for around $100 on ----. Now 5yrs ago when I purchased my 36" pc's, I spent around $300. Have prices dropped that much or are these things absolute crap? I need advice from anyone who knows what I'm talking about. Once I get the lights, I'll be ready to load up on live rock from


Active Member
I got my 265 watt power compacts, as well as my 130 watt power compacts for $90 and $40 and they have been working flawlessly for a year and a half now.


Well, 1 is Jebo Odyssea 46" 2x 130w with 2 plugs and moon LEDs. 1 is Jebo Odyssea 46" 4x 55w with 3 plugs and moon LEDs. The last one, which I am seriously considering, is a Light Aquarium??? and is 4x 65w with 3 plugs and moon LEDs. With 3 plugs, you can use timers to run the daylight, actinic and moon LEDs seperately. Here is the link for the Light Aquarium because I don't think that s the brand and it sure looks a lot like the Coralife I once had.
Well, no linking to ----. If you want to see it, it is item # 250013817926
Also, all of these include stands and bulbs.