Cheap sand


I have read a lot on live sand, but can't really find a definitive answer on what to buy. What I want to do is buy some really cheap sand of some sort and let my live rock "seed" it. I don't want to have to buy the expensive "live sand" (which may or may not be live). My tank will be a full reef with SPS and all. I want at least 2", and I want the sand to be as white as possible when the clean-up crew does their thing. Is there anything that I can buy that is the proper shape, size, and color for a reef tank? Thanks for your help.



I've read that childrens play sand, like the kind put in sand boxes can work. I'm not an expert by anymeans, in fact I'm in the same situation as you. I'm looking for sand for my reef tank. I'm leaning toward a 50% mix of live sand with sand from Homedepot and live rocks.


Active Member
Carib Sea Aragamax Aragonite Sand 30lbs dry sand. Look around for sales, usually can get this for $15 for the 30 lb. bag.

scopus tang

Active Member
One of the things you have to be careful of with play sand or cheap sand is the silica content in the sand. Most regular sand has a high silica content, which will cause continuous, irritating diatom blooms. Also, most cheap sands are not white, they tend to be tan or brown. Like most things in this hobby, its generally advisable to spend the extra money, cause you get what you pay for. Some places do sell bags of dry aragonite sand, much cheaper than the live shand, and you can buy this and use the LR to seed it or even more effectively, find someone nearby with a SW aquarium that has been up and running for awhile, and get them to sell or give you a cup or two of there live sand ~ then just pour it on top of your "dry sand" after you have the tank up and running. Within a month or so, the critters will spread out and make your "dry sand" live.


Active Member
+1 to what Scopus said. You can also when using the dry sand get your LFS to give you some of the fallout on the bottom of their live rock curing tanks. This is usually a sand mix that will have tremendous life in it. Just sift through it a bit to ensure you don't get anything you don't want in there.


thanks for the advice. I do believe I will stay away for the super cheap stuff from homedepot then.


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Like most things in this hobby, its generally advisable to spend the extra money, cause you get what you pay for.
That is the problem. I have
spent the extra money on most everything else, and will be spending a lot on rock. I was just hoping there was a way to trim the expenses in the sand department.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishyCPA
That is the problem. I have
spent the extra money on most everything else, and will be spending a lot on rock. I was just hoping there was a way to trim the expenses in the sand department.
I would go with the dry aragonite sand ~ much cheaper, but still SW safe.


Ok then, if cheap play sand doesn't really work, what is the recommended sand (size, shape, color) for a reef tank? Is .2mm too small for a dsb, or does it need to be 1-2.5mm?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishyCPA
Ok then, if cheap play sand doesn't really work, what is the recommended sand (size, shape, color) for a reef tank? Is .2mm too small for a dsb, or does it need to be 1-2.5mm?
I think its just a matter of personal opinion. White gives you the best reflection of lights, so helps to increase light intensity in the tank. I personally like the white/black mix for its color. I've seen deep sand beds done in every color and with everything from the superfine "refugium mud" to the larger sizes. Just be aware, the smaller the size, the easier it is to get it mixed into the water column. I personally use the larger stuff on the bottom, and a layer of the finer stuff on top. I personally have never used the superfine stuff, but I know people who have.


Originally Posted by fallout
I've read that childrens play sand, like the kind put in sand boxes can work. I'm not an expert by anymeans, in fact I'm in the same situation as you. I'm looking for sand for my reef tank. I'm leaning toward a 50% mix of live sand with sand from Homedepot and live rocks.
NO NO NO, pay ground sand has trace amount of arsnic in it. Not enough to hurt a human but it keeps out the bugs and such. At least i know some kinds do.
i use the aragamax oolite sugar size sand, bright white, i looked for months to find the southdown playsand HD used to sell without any luck, so i sucked it up and went with the aragamax, its a nice size if you want to keep sandsifters too. i paid $19 for 30 lb bags, and seeded it with sand from another tank, its loaded with critters now, been 9 months


1 year ago I decided to go from fresh water to salt water. I cheaped out and put playsand on the bottom of the tank, and about 3" of aragonite sand on top. Fish are fine and healthy, but I get continuous diatom blooms. I check my levels all the time, and the only thing I can think is causing it is the playsand. I really don't want to rip my tank apart to get rid of it (and I'll also lose the biology). However, I think I'll eventually come to the conclusion that I must try to somehow save the top layer (aragonite) and toss out the bottom layer - and figure out how to do that without having cycle problems.