Cheapest MH


What is the difference if those are floor lights?
Don't they do the same thing. How do you know that they are floor lights?


What my good buddy slothy is saying is that the fluorescents that come with that kit on ---- are Normal Output fluorescents. Not Power Compacts or any other type of High Output. They'll give you about 20 watts each. And the 5200 K metal halides will DEFINITELY need to be replaced. I think 6500K is about the minimum K rating that reefers use...and then they supplement with actinics...and NO's are fine just for the color, but you won't get much added light/lumens from them. And without any added fluorescent lights, most people buy 10000K MH's or higher. So...looks like that bid is up to about $140...then add about $70 per bulb to upgrade the MH''re back to $280...which actually wouldn't be too bad...if the bidding doesn't go much higher.


I was planning to replace the bulbs to 10000K.
How much do 10000K usually run, What kind of lights would fit into those sockets?
Also, how much electricity do MH use compared or PCs or flurescents?