I tried keeping my lights on for 12 and off for 12 hours but my cheato is still dieing. So today I’m going to try 24/7 cheato lighting.
I'm looking to buy some cheato anyone have any extra to sale of give away?
If your cheato is dying... getting more of it will not make it live. We need to find out why it's dying first. Post your specs... wattage, type of light, water parameters, etc.
That light is your problem most likely. Notice that it says "5100K". That is the color temperature. Most aquarium lights are at 10,000K.
I use simple fluorescent bulbs to keep my chaeto alive. I bought regular grow lights for plants and they do very well under it. IMO you would be better off using grow lights... since after all you ARE growing algae. Buying "aquarium" lighting is not only more expensive but it is also designed to filter out some of the colors that cause algae to grow.
2 20 watt fluorescent grow bulbs would work fine...