( CHEATO ) who was it??


Active Member
hi guys.. i remember way back when, when one of u moterators posted a batch of harvest cheato that they get every week or soo.. ( i think it started with beth giveint to to someone then on to that moderator) anyhooo i had asked if i could have a batch if you where gonna throw it away.. and then a line formed.. i know i wasnt that far down the line.. so i was wondering if i may plzz have a free batch ?? ill pay for shipping of course.. thx...


Active Member
um... no 1 is claiming this??? .. darn.. i could really use some.. ( guess bagging and going to the post office turned into too much work.. )


Active Member
He's right.. it was a mod.. i'll not give the mods SN because apparently they decided it wasnt such a good idea :p I was in line to receive some and then there was some family trouble on their side... and then no more was said about it... so obviously what happend was the demand was too high and they decided it would be too much of a pain in the butt..... and the rest is history.


Active Member
yeah i thought soo too... i kinda know who it was but dint say post the name and asked just in case...anyhow.. will a regular screw in florecant light grow it fast??
ohh and i think my bro just sent u the paypal.. thx


Chaeto was mailed, should be there by Friday. Put it under come nice bright light and it'll double fast. I gave you a nice chunk. Enjoy and let me know when it arrives.


Active Member
alreighty.. it's striat into the fuge it go when it come.. ( it would be a nice dsb seeder along with some lr that i suff in there.) and ill get back to u..


Active Member
Clarki-chaeto is a macroalgae frequently used in refugiums. It "eats" nitrates and phosphates and uses them to grow, which we all love.
If you use the search button above you will probably get more info than you ever wanted to know.


Active Member
hey just wanted to let u know that it's hea!!!! ohh yeah.. thx.. ohh and it looks a feel like a brillow pad!!!