

would this be alright,i have a regular hob filter the factory one.would it be ok to put some cheato in both sides as apose to the carbon mhs are 10in above the tank so the cheato should have enough light.i know im cheap i dont have sump or a refiugm

scopus tang

Active Member
I would think the biggest issue here is that Chaeto is going to end up flowing into your DT, and growing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the HOB and open flow back into the DT. What will prevent the Chaeto from simply flowing into your DT? Once it gets in, it will definetly begin to grow. Why not purchase some other type of macroalgae that you want in your DT and simply place it there to begin with? The end result will be the same. Just a thought.

scopus tang

Active Member
Check out some of the on-line sources, this one here may offer some different macroalgaes. I've run several over the years; currently running two; grape caleopa (sp.) and other calcerous algae from the Atlantic that I can't remember the name of, but it kind of looks like dimes attached end to end (I'm pretty happy with it, not as aggressive as the caleopas) Definitly don't recommend the fern-like one, it goes through cycles of massive growth and massive death, ends up polluting your tank with nutrients. Sorry can't be more specific, but don't have my books at work - they're at home (I'll look for names and repost tomorrow if no one else chimes in with names)


I used to have red and green caulerpa until I bought a copperband butterfly. He ate it all. But I thought it looked pretty good. Had to keep it away from direct current.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Foxface2
and juss put it in the tank and it soaks up nitrate and phosfate(oops)
Yep, just like your microalgaes, they use it to grow. I personally like Calcareous (that is indeed all it is referred to as) Green Algae (Halimedia sp.) and Green Grape Caulerpa (knew I was spelling this one wrong) (Caulerpa racemosa). I would stay away from Feather Caulerpa (C. sertularioides), if not properly cared for it goes through a bloom - bust cycle (properly called sporulation). Hope that helps.